January 2019 Newsletter
Hi everyone
I hope you have all enjoyed a great start to the new year.

Many thanks to those members who came to the working bee on 12th January. The old saying, “many hands make light work” is certainly true and quite a few jobs were completed on the day. There is always
maintenance work to be done at the grounds, especially mowing and whipper-snipping at this time of the year.
The committee is currently investigating several options to make this chore much easier.
Welcome to our new Novelties Co-ordinator, Grant Jocumsen. Novelty days are a highlight
for many club members and I am sure Grant will receive lots of assistance. He has some
great ideas for new events to add enjoyment to these days.
The committee is also pursuing options for operation of the canteen and maintenance of the club’s website.
Unfortunately, due to personal circumstances, Jess Jensen will not be running the Dare2Dream Barrel series this year, but will continue looking after nominations and publicity. Thanks to Jess for all her hard work last year and to the sponsors for their fantastic support.
Remember that 2019 memberships ARE NOW DUE. Current forms are available on Facebook or on the website by clicking here. You must be a financial member to ride on the club grounds. Fees have remained the same as last year: Family $80; Single/Junior $50. Details of the club’s bank account can be found elsewhere in this newsletter if you wish to transfer funds directly.
Looking forward to seeing you at the first round of Team Penning on 2nd/3rd March.
