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Horsemanship & Cattle Working School


New date- Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th August ... Nominations open now !

Cost: $220 per participant (includes camping & horse yards)

Our club will be hosting this clinic along similar lines to the one held late last year with a few improved changes. Like last year, small groups will still rotate through dry work techniques necessary for working cattle and practising on the mechanical cow, however the live cattle work will be overseen by one person (not three like last year) with the focus on working cattle one-on-one to accommodate everybody’s individual skill level.

Saturday morning will begin with a staggered start (7.00am, 8.00am or 9.00am). This is so everybody gets to start with dry work first. Prior to the weekend, participants will be invited to nominate their preferred Saturday start time which we will do our best to accommodate, however some flexibility may be required. Groups will remain small like last year (approximately 6 people) and the school will be capped at approximately 18 people.

Sunday will officially start at 8.00am to again practise on the mechanical cow and live cattle, but volunteers will be saddled up in the arena and available to assist from 7.00am for anybody wanting to revisit their dry work techniques from the previous day.

At around 11.30am we will run a mock ‘campdraft cutout’ competition for a bit of fun as it was a huge hit last year. Gold coin to nominate, winner takes all! We expect the weekend to wrap up between 1.00pm and 2.00pm.

Our volunteers are Tina Baills, returning to look after dry work again this year, Ted Bugden also returning to look after live cattle work, along with Barry Jesberg and Paul Schloss available to also help wherever possible. All our volunteers have had many years of cattle working experience between them in both a practical sense and at competition level including campdrafting, cutting and team penning and are looking forward to sharing their experience with you.

Morning tea and lunch will be provided on Saturday as well as morning tea on Sunday. You will be able to nominate shortly through the club’s website and please ensure Horse Health Declarations are completed and emailed prior to the event. All participants must be financial members of the club. Temporary membership is available.

Full payment is required by 13th August, 2021 to secure places (places can’t be held without payment) and participants are responsible for finding their own replacements if they can’t attend, as refunds won’t be given. We are looking forward to a great weekend and hope to see you there.

Please direct enquiries to Tina on 0403 419 213.

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