Club update
Hi everyone,
The year is well underway and we have two events coming up in February - the team penning clinic and a private hire by Gympie Pony Club.
There are a few jobs that need to be completed to make the grounds presentable and usable for these events and of course for our first round of team penning in March so we hope you will be able to join us at the grounds for a WORKING BEE from 8am on SATURDAY 6TH FEBRUARY, followed by a general meeting.
Details will also be posted on our facebook page so make sure you follow our page..
Some great work has already been achieved by several members over the last couple of weeks - mowing, slashing and spraying, but the grass keeps on growing at this time of the year so we need to keep on top of it.
# Working Bee from 8am at the grounds, Saturday 6th February.
# General Meeting to follow the working bee, approximately 11 am. If you have any agenda items, please send them by Tuesday 2/2/21 to:
# Please note that the Gympie Branch of our bank, CUA, has now closed. This doesn't affect any online payments, but you are no longer able to make a deposit in person. We will therefore be changing our bank - a decision about which bank will be made at the meeting on Saturday.
#Memberships are now due - $105/family, $75/single - these include the volunteer levy. Come to the working bee and you don't pay the levy!!!
See you all soon!
